Channel: Confidence | Cerries Mooney
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You don’t need to worry about finding your purpose. Here’s why.


"I have no idea if I'm on the right path". 

"I'm working for money, not passion, because I have no idea who I am or what I should be doing with my life". 

"If I could just get clear on my purpose, I would stop wasting energy, time and money trying to figure it out". 


These may be words that have come from members of my community when I asked them what was frustrating them most about their business right now, but honestly?


They are the words that have haunted my own heart for years.


I can't tell you how many times I've prayed for clarity on my calling.


Feeling that I've been called to a higher purpose - but not knowing what that purpose is - is one of the most frustrating wrestles I've had with my conscious mind during my adult years.

For me, the lack of clarity around what my purpose is has always felt like a sensation of being trapped.

You so desperately want to move forward - to change the world, to change your life, to make magic with your gifts - but without at least a hint of divine direction, forward just doesn't seem to be an option.

But once you've felt the call, you can't exactly go backwards, either. You can't 'un-see' what you have seen, or un-feel what you have felt. 

So in essence, you're trapped. Trapped between what could be, and what has been...and clarity of purpose is the only way out.


I connected with my calling nearly two years ago, and I've been running my business 'on-purpose' since.


One day, during an outburst of frustration at having no clear direction for my business, I looked around me at all of the carnage my lack of focus was bringing into my life.


A stack of journals and notebooks - all with the first couple of pages completed (all new 'fresh starts')...then abandoned in a drawer.

Virtual libraries of blog posts I'd toiled over writing...but didn't publish.

Ideas for offerings on forests of sticky notes...all deemed unworthy and too scattered to make any sense.

Impulsive book purchases with seductive titles such as "Find Your Purpose in 24 Hours (or less..)"...never opened, never considered. 

Hundreds and hundreds of dollars spent on courses that I thought would give me a definitive answer...yet never quite delivered on my expectation.


These are just a few examples, and I'm sure you have your own interpretation of how the 'purpose quest' has manifested in your business and life.


So...if I didn't find my purpose in a journal, blog post, book, course or meditation...where did I find it, exactly?


The honest answer is: I didn't. 


Instead, I had a realisation:


You don't have to worry about finding your purpose. Purpose is something you get to choose.
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Purpose is - for me, at least - is something that you choose.


Rather than something you wait around for, you simply choose to follow the signals that the Universe is laying out for you.


The little hunches you keep getting. The flashes of inspiration. The nudges.


You don't need to worry about finding your purpose - your purpose finds you, in the moment.

But it can't find you if you remain stagnant.

What you have to do is take purposeful, meaningful, soulful steps forward in getting to know yourself while simultaneously building what you THINK you're meant to build.

What will inevitably happen is a business created from true authenticity that naturally evolves and becomes more purpose-centered with every step.

Finding your purpose isn't on thing you do. It's a lifelong practice.

And you can start...right now.

The post You don’t need to worry about finding your purpose. Here’s why. appeared first on Cerries Mooney.

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